Abstract Different types of
polygons are treated differently, or at least the treatments are
differently focused. For triangles, congruence theorems seem to be
considered to be important, while for quadrilaterals
classification seems to be one of the most important aspects.
Recently, we suggested a systematic treatment for quadrilaterals
to substitute the often rather arbitrary-appearing common
classificatory systems. For this system, we suggested certain
characteristics, which lead to subsequently higher ordered
quadrilaterals. This approach is generalised here and expanded to
be applied also to triangles. The number of ordered triangles is
significantly lower than that of quadrilaterals: there are only
four, two triangles of first order and two of second order. We
furthermore show that the resulting system of triangles is
directly linked to the triangle congruence theorems. With this
approach, we try to bridge the different ways how triangles and
quadrilaterals are treated and aim at a more coherent
understanding of geometry.