Abstract Our aim is to provide
an educative experience for High School students leading to a
precise verbal description of the notion of convergence of a
sequence of numbers generated by an iterative process triggered by
the visualization of an unending geometric progression. Iteration
as a guiding idea is chosen because it is easy to grasp, opens the
door to further mathematical topics of the curriculum and
encourages the use of technology. The experience is structured as
an interview where a computer-generated tool, providing data
generated by iteration and their visual dynamic representations,
is available as an unavoidable aid to our goal of getting insight
before formality. It all ends up to a very simple observation: the
step-by-step implementation of a manual/visual routine together
with reporting verbally what you see and what you don't see at
every step is the clue to the understanding of the Weierstrassian
definition of convergence, showing that its reputation of
unintelligibility is hardly deserved. A detailed discussion of the
experience concludes the exposition.